? 研究方向
2016/03-2020/06 东南大学 生物医学工程(神经信息工程) 博士
2011/09-2014/06 华中师范大学 基础心理学 硕士
2006/09-2010/06 河北大学 统计学 本科
2014年8月至2015年5月 西南大学疼痛研究中心 实验室助理
2015年5月至2016年1月 上海心仪电子科技有限公司 技术工程师
2020年7月至今 英国威廉希尔公司 教师
1 .教育部社科司, 一般项目, 21YJC880094, 城乡儿童合作学习能力的差异及影响因素研究, 2022-01 至今, 8万元, 在研, 参与
2. 河南省哲学社会科学规划办公室, 一般项目, 2020BJY010, 幼儿早期注意偏好对高风险自闭症预警的前瞻性研究, 2020-12 至今, 5万元, 在研, 参与
3. 教育部社科司, 一般项目, 19YJC880044, 自闭症幼儿的情绪理解干预及基于近红外脑成像技术的评测研究, 2019-03 至今, 7.36万元, 在研, 参与
1. Huibin Jia#, Xiangci Wu#, Zhiyu Wu#, Enguo Wang*. Aberrant dynamic minimal spanning tree parameters within default mode network in patients with autism spectrum disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2022, 13, 860348. (第一作者)
2. Huibin Jia#,*, Xiangci Wu#, Enguo Wang*. Aberrant dynamic functional connectivity features within default mode network in patients with autism spectrum disorder: evidence from dynamical conditional correlation. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2022, 16, 391-399.(第一作者)
3. Huibin Jia#,*, Fei Gao#, Dongchuan Yu*. Altered Temporal Structure of Neural Phase Synchrony in Patients With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2021, 12, 618573. (第一作者和通讯作者)
4. Huibin Jia#, Dongchuan Yu*. Attenuated long-range temporal correlations of electrocortical oscillations in patients with autism spectrum disorder. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2019, 39, 100687. (第一作者;期刊五年影响因子:5.425)
5. Huibin Jia#, Dongchuan Yu*. Aberrant Intrinsic Brain Activity in Patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Insights from EEG Microstates. Brain Topography, 2019, 32, 295-303. (第一作者;期刊五年影响因子:2.997)
6. Huibin Jia#, Yanwei Li#, Dongchuan Yu*. Attenuation of long-range temporal correlations of neuronal oscillations in young children with autism spectrum disorder. NeuroImage: Clinical, 2018, 20, 424-432.(第一作者;期刊五年影响因子:4.814)
7. Huibin Jia#, Yanwei Li#, Dongchuan Yu*. Normalized spatial complexity analysis of neural signals. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8, 7912.(第一作者;期刊五年影响因子:4.609)
8. Yanwei Li#, Huibin Jia#, Dongchuan Yu*. Novel analysis of fNIRS acquired dynamic hemoglobin concentrations: application in young children with autism spectrum disorder. Biomedical Optics Express, 2018, 9(8), 3694-3710. (并列第一作者;期刊五年影响因子:3.737)
9. Huibin Jia#, Huayun Li, Dongchuan Yu*. The relationship between ERP components and EEG spatial complexity in a visual Go/Nogo task. Journal of Neurophysiology, 2017, 117, 275-283. (第一作者;期刊五年影响因子:2.755)
10. Fei Gao#, Huibin Jia#, Xiangci Wu, Dongchuan Yu*, Yi Feng*. Altered Resting-State EEG Microstate Parameters and Enhanced Spatial Complexity in Male Adolescent Patients with Mild Spastic Diplegia. Brain Topography, 2017, 30, 233-244. (并列第一作者;期刊五年影响因子:2.997)
11. Fei Gao#, Huibin Jia*, Yi Feng*. Microstate and Omega Complexity Analyses of the Resting-state Electroencephalography. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2018, 136, e56452. (通讯作者;期刊五年影响因子:1.677)
12. Fei Gao#, Xiangci Wu#, Yi Feng*, Huibin Jia*. Attenuation of temporal correlations of neuronal oscillations in patients with mild spastic diplegia. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 14966. (通讯作者;期刊五年影响因子:4.609)
13. Huibin Jia#, Weiwei Peng#*, Li Hu*. A novel approach to identify time-frequency oscillatory features in electrocortical signals. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2015, 253, 18-27.(第一作者;期刊五年影响因子:2.571)
14. Mingming Zhang#, Huibin Jia, Mengxue Zheng, Tao Liu*. Group decision-making behavior in social dilemmas: Inter-brain synchrony and the predictive role of personality traits. Brain and Cognition, 2021, 168, 110315. (第二作者;期刊五年影响因子:2.864)
15. Laipeng Jin#, Huibin Jia, Huayun Li, Dongchuan Yu*. Differences in brain signal complexity between experts and novices when solving conceptual science problem: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. Neuroscience Letters, 2019, 699, 172-176. (第二作者;期刊五年影响因子:2.124)
16. Huayun Li#, Huibin Jia, Dongchuan Yu*. The influence of vertical disparity gradient and cue conflict on EEG omega complexity in panum's limiting case. Journal of Neurophysiology, 2018, 119(3), 1201-1208. (第二作者;期刊五年影响因子:2.755)
17. Mingming Zhang#, Tao Liu, Matthew Pelowski, Huibin Jia, Dongchuan Yu*. Social risky decision-making reveals gender differences in the TPJ: A hyperscanning study using functional near-infrared spectroscopy. Brain and Cognition, 2017, 119, 54-63. (第四作者;期刊五年影响因子:2.864)
18. Huayun Li#, Huibin Jia, Ashley Chung-Fat-Yim, Laipeng Jin, Dongchuan Yu*. The neural correlates of vertical disparity gradient and cue conflict in panum's limiting case. Brain & Cognition, 2017, 114, 11-19. (第二作者;期刊五年影响因子:2.864)
19. Jinfei Ma#, Jiaqi Gu, Huibin Jia, Zhuye Yao, Ruosong Chang*. The Relationship Between Drivers’ Cognitive Fatigue and Speed Variability During Monotonous Daytime Driving. Frontiers in Psychology, 2018, 9, 459. (第三作者;期刊五年影响因子:2.885)
20. Xiangci Wu#, Huibin Jia, Enguo Wang*, Chenguang Du, Xianghua Wu, Caiping Dang. Vertical position of Chinese power words influences power judgments: Evidence from spatial compatibility task and event-related Potentials. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2016, 102, 55-61. (第二作者;期刊五年影响因子:3.311)
21. 贾会宾#, 赵庆柏*, 周治金*. 心理负荷的评估:基于神经人因学的视角. 心理科学进展, 2013, 21(8), 1390~1399. (第一作者)
22. 高飞#,贾会宾,冯艺*. 高频rTMS刺激M1区治疗带状疱疹后神经痛的短期疗效观察.中国地方病防治杂志,2016, 11, 1219~1220. (第二作者)
23. 刘思耘#, 周倩, 贾会宾, 赵庆柏*, 不相关言语对视觉觉察的影响, 2016, 7, 770-782.(第三作者)
¨ 出版著作
1. Jia, H. (2019). Microstate Analysis. In L. Hu, & Z. Zhang (Eds.), EEG Signal Processing and Feature Extraction (pp. 141–157). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
2. Jia, H. (2019). Connectivity Analysis. In L. Hu, & Z. Zhang (Eds.), EEG Signal Processing and Feature Extraction (pp. 241–266). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.